Welcome to the website devoted to the International World Wide Web Conference.
It is an annual international conference which concerns the topics such as the future direction of the World Wide Web. It represents an outstanding international forum where major experts of the field present and discuss progress regarding research, development, standards, and applications of the newest developed technologies related to the Web. It is important to point out that all WWW Conferences aim to offer high-quality technical activities that involve research and poster sessions, as well as numerous workshops, and tutorials. In addition, these Conferences include special programs such as research track, posters track, demonstration track, developers track, industry track, panels, Ph.D. symposium track, tutorials, web science track, workshops, and W3C track.
This is the place were developers, researchers, internet users but also commercial ventures and organizations come together to discuss the latest achievements of the Web and how will it affect uses and trends, like, for instance, the development and popularization of the eTV and eBusiness.
Here you can find out everything you need to know about these conferences which usually last couple of days and include a variety of events. These conferences are mainly organized by the IW3C2 which collaborate with Local Organizing Committees and Technical Program Committees.
Topics and content vary from year to year concerning the latest developments and researches and because of these things the World-Wide Web Conference continues to be the number one venue for all researchers, academics, businesses, and standard bodies as well where the evolutionary path of the industry can be discussed. Most importantly, it brings together people from all parts of the world and encourages the inputs from their societies and traditions, offering their experience with exciting new technologies and scientific breakthroughs.

The most recent conference presented topics which were divided into one of eleven categories such as:
- Behavioral analysis and personalization
- Internet economics and monetization
- Content analysis
- Social networks and graph analysis
- Crowd phenomena
- Security, privacy, trust, and abuse
- Web mining
- Semantic web
- Software infrastructure, performance, scalability, and availability
- Web search systems and applications
- User interfaces, human factors, and smart devices
World Wide Web Consortium
The World Wide Web Consortium is an international community in which Member organizations, as well as a full-time staff, and the publicw3c cooperate in order to develop Web standards. This consortium is led by Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee, and its CEO is Jeffrey Jaffe. The mission of the W3C is to lead the Web to its maximum potential.
Advantages and Disadvantages of the World Wide Web
When it comes to advantages and disadvantages of the World Wide Web, we may agree on some issues. However, in most cases, we will disagree history_wwwand disapprove some actions that are introduced to us without our consent. Furthermore, we are not always in a position to say that what is an advantage for us must also be for someone else.
Software Infrastructure
In terms of dealing with performance, scalability and also reliability issues within web systems and its software infrastructure it is necessary to observe several topics. This includes everything ranging from web protocols as well as content distribution systems to the architecture of large-scale systems used for web data serving, analysis, and cloud computing and storage as well.
History of the International World Wide Web Conference
The first International World Wide Web Conference was held in 1994 at CERN, and it was organized by Robert Cailliau. Later that year IW3C2 was founded by Joseph Hardin, and Robert Cailliau and this organization became responsible for the conference series ever since. Only in 1994 and 1995, there were two conferences each year. Beginning with 1996 WWW Conference became an annual event which is held in late April or early May. The location of the conference always changes and circulates around the world in North America, Europe, and Asia.
The WWW Conference series have a goal to provide the greatest forum for discussion and debate concerning the evolution of the Web as well as the standardization of its associated technologies. Six of these conferences were held in the United States, three in Canada, two in France and one in the United Kingdom, Italy, Australia, China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Spain, Hungary, Switzerland, Japan, the Netherlands, India, and Brazil. This year´s International World Wide Web Conference will be a 25th event held by IW3C2 and will take place in Perth, Australia. It is already decided that WWW2018 will be hosted by the city of Lyon in France.
23rd International World Wide Web Conference
WWW 2014 in Seoul, South Korea
One of the most prominent events was the 23rd International World Wide Web Conference which took place from April 7th to 11th in 2014. The main venue for the presentations and workshops was Coex, Gangam in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. The official language of the Conference was English, as it is usually the case in these events and it was organized by Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), and the International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee (IW3C2).